Is It Possible To Find A Facebook User By Phone Number?

In case you need to find a person’s profile on Facebook while all you have is a phone number, well, the task may be super easy or may be super complicated. It actually depends on the fact whether the person’s account actually opened for other users who are not in the list of friends, or not. It also depends on whether the person actually included their teledata into the account data. If not, it is almost impossible to find somebody on FB by knowing only their phone number.
If you are lucky, you will just type the number into the search bar on the FB website and voila, you get the account where this data is indicated. However, the chances are high you are not that lucky. Most users either do not indicate teledata, or do not show them to those users who are not in their friends’ list.
If you cannot find the person by first or last name, there may be two options. First – they do not have a FB account, and therefore you should try and look them up in other social networks. Or, the second option is that they do not use their real name, or name in correct spelling, for FB profile. If you cannot find them by number, well, perhaps you will have to pay.

There is a number of services that can identify the profile by having the number because each profile is actually connected to the user’s number for verification and access to the social network. This is generally an illegal activity, but you can pay and the company will find the account tied to a certain number – if there is an account.
The situation is a bit more complicated if you find out that the person has no account in FB, or you cannot find it on your own, and you do not want to pay or cannot afford to pay for the identification service. What you can do instead, and free of charge is look the person up in other networks and social media. Perhaps you will find the page by phone, or maybe in some of the networks the person uses their real name in correct spelling, and you will just see the photo and understand that this is the correct page.
A quick notice – people are more likely to leave their phone numbers in profiles and networks where they look for collaboration or selling their services. As a consequence, there is a higher chance to find them by teledata on these platforms.
These are the ways you can use to find somebody in FB having only teledata. If not, you can always address a paid service, just make sure this is a reliable company; you don’t want to pay money to fraudsters, do you?